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nr 1/2008

Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 1/2008
The United States, the European Union and modernity
edited by Andrzej Bryk

Andrzej Bryk: Introduction: The Transatlantic Civilisation and Modernity Today

Kenneth Minogue: Social Justice and the Metaphor of Gaps

David Lorenzo Izquierdo: Alasdair MacIntyre: An Alternative to Individualism

Harvey C. Mansfield: Liberty and Virtue in the American Founding

Andrzej Bryk: The United States, the European Union, Eastern Europe: Challenges and Different Responses to Modernity

Maciej Brachowicz: United States and the European Union - Basic (Pre-)Constitutional Differences

Christopher Wolfe: Church and State: The Current Constitutional Debate in the USA

fr. Robert A. Sirico: John Courtney Murray and the Orthodoxy of Freedom: An Application to Economic Life

Marta du Vall: Searching for the justification of American hawks' policy

Kazimierz Dadak: United States as a Monetary Union: A Lesson for Europe?

Ewa Grzeszczyk: Contesting the Dominant Culture? The Promise Keepers and Aglow International Parachurch Movements

Katarzyna Skawińska: Phenomenon of Subculture

Magdalena Butrymowicz: The Cherokee Constitution - the Road to a Sovereign State

Piotr Michalik: Charter of Maryland as an Example of Proprietary Colonial Charter

Michał Chlipała: The Blues, the Greys, and the Red & Whites

Russell Kirk: Conservative Mind. From Burke to Eliot

Monika Zbrojewska: Dartmouth College v. Woodward - Freedom of Contracts and Private Education

About the Authors

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