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nr 1/2013

Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 1/2013
Culture Wars in the United States,
edited by Andrzej Bryk

Andrzej Bryk: Introduction: Culture War, Modernity and Liberal Monism - Przeczytaj
Stephen Barr: God, Time, the “First Cause”, and Natural Causes
Andrzej Bryk: Liberal Monism and the Culture War: Richard J. Neuhaus and the Imperial Moral Self
Christopher S. Dadak, Kazimierz Dadak: The United States at a Crossroads
Lawrence Grossman: The Culture Wars and American Jews
Agnieszka Kołakowska: Mind the Gap: the New Culture Wars
Hieronim Kubiak: The American Dilemma 70 years later
Peter Augustine Lawler: Heretical Compromises: America’s Accidential Thomism
Christopher Lazarski: Rousseau and the Roots of Modernity
Wilfred M. McClay: Should Religion Enjoy Special Protections in American Society? Five Arguments and a Speculation
Jeremy Rabkin: The “Culture War” will Continue – because It isnt’t a War

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